Mary Prescott's Loup Lunaire at Roulette Intermedium - Feb 26, 8pm

For the first of two season performances, Roulette resident artist Mary Prescott presents the world premiere of Loup Lunaire—a prequel to her spring interdisciplinary performance piece, Mother Me.
Loup Lunaire is a conceptual character study of the Mother Wolf done through musical and performative explorations. Prescott creates an interior portrait of the Mother Wolf by examining primal behaviors, natural cyclic patterns, and the unresolved reconciliations of psychological and spiritual dualities.
Mary Prescott, Creator
David Torn, Guitar
Voice & Movement:
Nina Dante
Noa Fort
Ariadne Greif
Joy Havens
Luisa Muhr
Mary Prescott
Cara Searc
Chanan Ben Simon More info and tickets here: