Pleasure Activist Sunday, Festival and Film Screening, a Benefit for Judson Memorial Church
Luisa will perform soundbaths with members of Marisa Michelson's Constellation Chor.
Sunday, August 12 at Judson Memorial Church (55 Washington Square South) 4:30-6:30 A Circus of delights* that celebrates pleasure as activism. 6:30-8:00 Film Screening "Water Makes Us Wet" by Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle. Q&A with directors follows. 8:00-8:30 Linda Montano, performance and afterglow. *Sensorama, raffles, info tables, schmoozing, silent auction, community, fun! Seeking collaborators, sponsors and volunteers. For advanced tickets and donations: Eventbrite: (OR simply search Pleasure Activist Sunday in NY, NY, on Eventbrite's homepage.) Or donate directly to the renovation fund: You can also pay at the door. Bring cash for fun offerings! More information here: