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Walter Thompson Orchestra, conducted by Sam Day Harmet at Young Ethel's - 11/29 (7pm)

Luisa will once again join the Walter Thompson Orchestra, a group of Soundpainters. Free!

Event link: Sam Day Harmet (soundpainter) Julia Frey (projection artist) Andrea Pryor (co-soundpainter, percussion) Luisa Muhr (vocals) Bry Payne (vocals) Sana Nagano (violin) Myles Donovan (harp) Zachary Swanson (bass) Boris Nazarov (electronics) Theo Woodward (electronics) Ayumi Ishito (tenor sax) Rob Henke (trumpet) Bobby Spellman (trumpet) Caitlin Cawley (percussion) Mohamed Kubbara (percussion)

Made possible with support from the NY State Council on the Arts.


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